Faced with the volatility of climate change, dairy farmers need a more robust cow. DairyFIT uses patented computer vision and machine-learning algorithms to identify reliable physical indicators of resiliency that can in turn be used to create cost-effective precision breeding and management plans.





Catie McVey

Catie McVey is the founder and CEO of DairyFIT. Growing up in the foothills of North Carolina, she heard old cowboy adages about reading an animal’s face to infer its temperament. She studied this concept for a science fair project and has continued this research through dual bachelor’s and master’s degrees in animal sciences and applied statistics from North Carolina and Colorado State Universities, respectively, and a Ph.D. in animal biology at UC Davis.




Critical Need
Dairy farmers have been collectivizing their data to breed more efficient and productive animals since the 1960s. Consequently, the contemporary dairy cow possesses extraordinary capabilities in terms of milk production but lacks the capacity to adapt to perturbations in their management environment. Given the challenges arising from climate change—extreme weather patterns, economic fluctuations, and logistical uncertainties—today's dairy farmers need an inherently more resilient animal that can take these challenges in stride without compromising to their milk production, health, or overall welfare.

Technology Vision
An incredible depth of historical knowledge in horse and cattle communities suggests that subtle variations in the boney and cartilaginous features of an animal’s face can provide information about its temperament (i.e., a “moose nose” is friendly or an “eagle eye” is brave). DairyFIT seeks to bring this wisdom into the 21st century. Its patented computer vision algorithms break down these geometrically complex morphological features into readily interpretable morphometrics. DairyFIT then harnesses purpose-built machine-learning algorithms to identify animals whose temperaments are best suited to a farm’s unique management environment.

Potential for Impact
DairyFIT revolutionizes the day-to-day management of dairy cows by allowing farmers to proactively identify animals whose innate stress-coping mechanisms make them more susceptible to disease before they ever have a chance to become ill. Farmers can use this information to develop precision health plans that allow for the targeted application of preventative treatments, ensuring that cows can continue to meet the growing demand for milk with lower health costs, fewer antibiotics, and higher overall animal welfare. This information can also inform breeding decisions to select for animals that can realize their full genetic potential, producing more milk with ever fewer inputs even in the face of climate change.
